Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011


Definition of Basic Social Sciences

    Basic social (ISD) is a science that examines the issue social problems that arise and thrive, especially those embodied by the citizens of Indonesia by using terms (facts, concepts, theories) that originated from different areas of expertise knowledge in the field of social sciences.
    Knowledge who examines problems social, especially the problem – the problem manifested by the people who Indonesia, using the theory -  the theory derived from various knowledge areas of expertise in the field of science – social sciences (such as Social Geography, Sociology, Social Antrhopology,  Political Science, Economics, Social Psychology and History)

Objectives ISD Basic Social Sciences 

      ISD helps the development ofreasoning and insight into the personality of students in order to gain insight into who is more extensive and traits – personality traits who attitudes expected of students, particularly with regard to attitude and human behavior within the human face of another, as well as attitudes and human behavior – other human beings against human horse’s mouth on a reciprocal basis.
     ISD is also a business that can be expected to provide general knowledge and basic knowledge of consep who developed to complement the symptoms – symptoms that social responsiveness        (responsiveness value), perception and reasoning of students in the face of environmental social can be improved, so that students on the environment sensitivity.

ISD relationship with IPS 

    Basic Social Sciences (ISD) and the Social Sciences (IPS) have both similarities and differences.
           The similarities between the two is :
·        Both the study materials for the benefit of education program / teaching
·        They are not stand-alone discipline.
·        They have material that consists of social reality and social problems.

The differences between the two is :
·        Basic Social Sciences in Higher Education granted, is Science Social knowledge is given in Elementary and Secondary schools.
·        Social Studies Basic is a single course, is Science Social knowledge is a group of a number of subjects for high school
·        Primary Social Studies directed towards the formation the attitudes and personality, Social Sciences was directed to the formation of knowledge.


     ISD Scope includes two groups, human and community studies and studies institution – social institution, who mainly consist of psychology, sociology, and anthropology, who was then composed of economic and politics.
Study ISD is the target aspect – the most basic aspet of existing in human life as social beings and problems – problems who materialized from it.
    The material consists of Basic Sciences social problems, to can examine social issues, should advance our can identify and understand a number of the real social certain social consepts. There by teaching materials Science Basic Social can be divided into three groups, namely.

     The Facts are often addressed social differently by scholars of social sciences, because of differences in background discipline or point of view. In our Basic Social Sciences use an interdiscipline approach / multidiscipline.
The social problems discussed in Science social . For example of the concept such basic concepts such as “diversity” and cocept “Unity Social”. Departing from the above two concepts , then we can understand and realize that in the community is always there:
·       The concepts of social or spiritual implications of the real social limited to basic or elementary concepts it’s very necessary to
·        Social problems arising in society, usually involved in a variety of social realities with each other inter-related.
Consortium Intergoverment affairs has determined that the college of social sciences the basis consist of 8 subjects. Of the eight principal Discussion is the scope of basic social  lecture expected to learn and understand what they are :

1.     A variety of population problems in relation todevelopment of society and culture
2.     Problems of individuals, families and communities.
3.     Youth’s problem and socialization.
4.     Coating’s problem and social equality.
5.     Problem of urban and rural communities.
6.     The problem of social conflicts and intergration.
7.     Problem of the relationship between citizen and state.

Name     : Novian Dwi kurniawan
Class       : 2 SA02
Npm       : 15610069
Lecture  : Didiek Pramono
Subject  : Ilmu Sosial Dasar

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